Tag: docker

How to search and execute in sub-directories via shell script

This post shows a way how to execute scripts in all sub directories via a script. There are many use cases for this, I use it to automate stop/build/start of arbitrary docker containers on one of my servers. In this way I can setup automated server maintenance jobs (e.g. via jenkins) and startup everything without knowing what is deployed on the server.

How to run a java application as docker container

This post describes how to run a java application inside a docker container. I use a spring boot app with tomcat as an example but it would also work with other executable jar files. I use docker-compose for container configuration. With a new maven profile the application is build and deployed to be started as container.

How to delete all docker artifacts on a host

This post show a script to cleanup your system from all containers, downloaded docker images and other docker artifacts (e.g. you want to use the host for a completely new project).