How to search and execute in sub-directories via shell script

This post shows a way how to execute scripts in all subdirectories via a script. There are many use cases for this, I use it to automate stop/build/start of arbitrary docker containers on one of my servers. In this way I can setup automated server maintenance jobs (e.g. via jenkins) and startup everything without knowing what is deployed on the server.

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The script

The following script loops through all sub-directories and searches for If it is present it is executed, otherwise the script echoes that the script was not found in the subdirectory.

for d in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d)
    if [ $d !=  '.' ]
      cd "$d"
      if [ -f "./" ]
        echo "---- --- Executing --- ----"
        sh "./"
        echo "---- not found ----"
      cd ..
  • Line 2: for loop over all entries returned by the find command. In every turn the result is assigned to variable d (for directory). The find command searches for all directories (-type d) in the current directory (.) with maxdepth 1 (only one level down). This can obviously be changed to search also in more depth, but in that case also other parts of the script need to be changed.
  • Line 4: The script should ignore the anchor for the current directory (represented by dot .).
  • Line 6: Step into the subdirectory with cd.
  • Line 7: If this directory contains the script we want to execute in each subdirectory ( in this case).
  • Line 9,10: Print and execute here.
  • Line 11,12,13: if does not exist print out the directory and echo that the script does not exist.
  • Line 15: Go back up to the parent directory for the next turn.


This is the output of an example run:

~/docker $ ./ 
---- not found ----
---- --- Executing --- ----
Stopping processor ... done
Removing processor ... done
Removing network processor_default
---- --- Executing --- ----
Stopping webapp ... done
Removing webapp ... done
Removing network webapp_default
~/docker $ 

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