How to control power strip EG-PM2 with sispmctl on Raspberry Pi

This post describes how to control a special power strip via usb with a Raspberry Pi. The power strip used is a Gembird EnerGenie EG-PM2.

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The power strip: Gembird EnerGenie EG-PM2

The Gembird EnerGenie EG-PM2 has totally 6 plugs. Two plugs are always on while the other four plugs can be controlled via USB. I use the two for the controlling Raspberry Pi and the network switch. The other four are used for the other Raspberry Pis within the cabinet.

Gembird EnerGenie EG-PM2 with connected devices

To connect the USB port of the power strip to the Raspberry Pi an USB Type B (Power strip side) to USB Type A (Pi side) is needed.

The tool: sispmctl

To send commands to the power strip the tool sispmctl is needed. The tool is available at As I am writing this post I have version 4.9 installed. To install the tool I had to additionally install libusb-dev. Here are all the steps.

user1@pi:~ $ sudo apt install libusb-dev
Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.4-2) ...

user1@pi:~ $ tar -xf sispmctl-4.9.tar.gz

user1@pi:~ $ cd sispmctl-4.9/
user1@pi:~/sispmctl-4.9 $ ./configure 
checking build system type... aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
Good - your configure finished. Start make now

user1@pi:~/sispmctl-4.9 $ make
make  all-recursive
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/user1/sispmctl-4.9'

user1@pi:~/sispmctl-4.9 $ sudo make install
Making install in src
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/user1/sispmctl-4.9'

user1@pi:~/sispmctl-4.9 $ sudo ldconfig

How to use it

All commands have to be executed with sudo. To see the current status run:

user1@pi:~ $sudo sispmctl -g all
Accessing Gembird #0 USB device 003
Status of outlet 1:	off
Status of outlet 2:	off
Status of outlet 3:	off
Status of outlet 4:	off

You can enable a specific plug now with the number of the plug shown in status overview.

user1@pi:~ $ sudo sispmctl -o 4
Accessing Gembird #0 USB device 003
Switched outlet 4 on

user1@pi:~ $ sudo sispmctl -g all
Accessing Gembird #0 USB device 003
Status of outlet 1:	off
Status of outlet 2:	off
Status of outlet 3:	off
Status of outlet 4:	on

All plugs on and all plugs off can be achieved with the following commands.

user1@pi:~ $ sudo sispmctl -o all
Accessing Gembird #0 USB device 003
Switched outlet 1 on
Switched outlet 2 on
Switched outlet 3 on
Switched outlet 4 on

user1@pi:~ $ sudo sispmctl -f all
Accessing Gembird #0 USB device 003
Switched outlet 1 off
Switched outlet 2 off
Switched outlet 3 off
Switched outlet 4 off

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