Author: Benni

How to create your own voice assistant with python and ChatGPT API

This post describes how to build your own voice assistant based on openai api. The assistant is build with python and uses python libraries for speech to text and text to speech conversion. Additionally the script contains some special commands for activation, deactivation and test mode.

How to add Security Headers to your webserver

This post describes how to add specific security headers to your apache2 or nginx webservers. This eliminates some client side attack vectors in the client browsers which are using your site. Additionally this makes your site more trustworthy which can have an influence on your search engine score.

How to setup and use git for version control

This post describes how to setup a git repository and shows the basic commands for daily work. The post will be extended over time with additional commands and tricks.

How to search and execute in sub-directories via shell script

This post shows a way how to execute scripts in all sub directories via a script. There are many use cases for this, I use it to automate stop/build/start of arbitrary docker containers on one of my servers. In this way I can setup automated server maintenance jobs (e.g. via jenkins) and startup everything without knowing what is deployed on the server.

How to run a java application as docker container

This post describes how to run a java application inside a docker container. I use a spring boot app with tomcat as an example but it would also work with other executable jar files. I use docker-compose for container configuration. With a new maven profile the application is build and deployed to be started as container.

Useful Linux commands: How to use df and du

This post describes how to use the Linux commands df (disk free) and du (disk usage) which show details about the free space on mounted drives as well as usage details. This is useful in many situations, especially when you are fighting against space problems on a server.